Parlaxy is developing a peer-to-peer platform to help shoppers in high-tax regions or markets with limited product availability access international goods by connecting them with travelers who deliver purchases securely and conveniently.
In just four months since launching our platform, we’ve achieved several significant milestones: • Gained 500 active users, including both buyers and travelers. • Identified effective customer acquisition strategies through Instagram advertising at a cost that aligns with our unit economics. • Successfully completed our first paid order. • Improved average session duration on the platform from 1 minute 25 seconds to 3 minutes 40 seconds by integrating an in-platform product search feature, enabling users to compare prices without leaving the site. • Increased traffic-to-registration conversion rate from 1.35% to 2.16% and boosted registration-to-order/travel conversion rate from 11% to 61% by simplifying the registration process, expanding language options, and improving user journey tracking. • Validated part of our business concept in terms of unit economics, particularly regarding customer acquisition costs.
Marketplace, Social, Travel & Hospitality
Decent work and economic growth (SDG #8), Reduced inequalities (SDG #10), Responsible consumption and production (SDG #12)