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October 7, 2024
Data is self reported
Hexagro is developing modular, smart gardens combined with an AI-powered cultivation app to help urban dwellers easily grow healthy food at home, regardless of their available space​​.


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Founded in





AgriTech, Hardware, Saas, Circular economy, Climate, AI/ML

Patent information

For this startup there is an actual piece of text here instead of this blurred text. It's available to active investors and investors on a paid plan.


Number of founders

Some blurred text here

Number of employees

Founder backgrounds

Exit experience

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Relevant industry experience

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Previous startup experience

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EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation

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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft

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In the news

Investment details

Amount raising


Ownership founders

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Lead investor

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Current investors

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Intended closing date

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Fundraising status

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Already committed

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Revenue Metrics

Paying customers

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Monthly active users

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October 7, 2024
Data is self reported
Hexagro is developing modular, smart gardens combined with an AI-powered cultivation app to help urban dwellers easily grow healthy food at home, regardless of their available space​​.


Product Success: Delivered over 4,000 units of our smart gardens with less than a 0.1% return rate, demonstrating product-market fit and high customer satisfaction​. Growth and Expansion: Expanded operations from Italy to key markets in Western Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland) and initiated entry into the U.S. market with pre-sales of over 250 units​​. Partnerships and Distribution: Secured distribution agreements with large retailers in Western Europe and the U.S., setting the foundation for scalable growth​. Digital Engagement: Grew our online community to over 7,000 followers and onboarded 1,500+ registered users to our cultivation app, boosting customer engagement​. Awards and Recognition: Recognized with multiple international awards and grants that validate our innovation and impact in the urban farming sector​. Financial Stability: Maintained positive cash flow on hardware sales with strong industrial partnerships, enabling us to scale manufacturing and distribution efficiently​.

Founded in






AgriTech, Hardware, Saas, Circular economy, Climate, AI/ML


Zero hunger (SDG #2), Good health and well-being (SDG #3), Sustainable cities and communities (SDG #11), Responsible consumption and production (SDG #12)

Patent information



Number of founders


Number of employees

Founder backgrounds

Exit experience


Relevant industry experience


Previous startup experience


Female founder


EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation

Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft

In the news

Investment details

Amount raising


Ownership founders

80-99% owned by founders

Lead investor

No, we don't have a lead investor yet.

Current investors

Hexagro has successfully raised approximately €1.4 million through a combination of funding sources: Angel Investors: Raised €150,000 from various business angels who believed in Hexagro’s early vision​. Venture Capital (VC) + Finance: Secured around €500,000 from impact-focused VC firms that co-led our investment rounds​. We also got €500,000 in finance from a italian-private organization with very low interest rates and a payment time of 10 years. Grants and Subsidies: Received approximately €250,000 in grants from European innovation programs, which supported our product development and scaling efforts​. Crowdfunding: Raised €50,000 in a successful crowdfunding campaign, which was 250% overfunded during the launch of our Clovy product​.

Intended closing date

Q2 2025

Fundraising status

Actively fundraising (brand name visible)

Already committed


Revenue Metrics

Monthly revenue

€5K - €10K

Monthly growth


Paying customers


Monthly active users

Hexagro is developing modular, smart gardens combined with an AI-powered cultivation app to help urban dwellers easily grow healthy food at home, regardless of their available space​​.
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(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
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Growth rate month over month
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Monthly revenue context
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Number of paying customers
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Monthly active users
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Do you have a lead investor?
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How much have you raised in the past?
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How much of this round already committed?
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When are you aiming to close this round?
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How much time do the founders spend on the business?
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Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
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What percentage of company is owned by founders?
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Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
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Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft
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Year founded
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Patent status
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Premium Details

(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
€5K - €10K
Growth rate month over month
Monthly revenue context
Number of paying customers
Monthly active users


Do you have a lead investor?
No, we don't have a lead investor yet.
How much have you raised in the past?
Hexagro has successfully raised approximately €1.4 million through a combination of funding sources: Angel Investors: Raised €150,000 from various business angels who believed in Hexagro’s early vision​. Venture Capital (VC) + Finance: Secured around €500,000 from impact-focused VC firms that co-led our investment rounds​. We also got €500,000 in finance from a italian-private organization with very low interest rates and a payment time of 10 years. Grants and Subsidies: Received approximately €250,000 in grants from European innovation programs, which supported our product development and scaling efforts​. Crowdfunding: Raised €50,000 in a successful crowdfunding campaign, which was 250% overfunded during the launch of our Clovy product​.
How much of this round already committed?
When are you aiming to close this round?
Q2 2025


How much time do the founders spend on the business?
Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
What percentage of company is owned by founders?
80-99% owned by founders
Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft


Year founded
Patent status

Basic details

Amount raising
AgriTech, Hardware, Saas, Circular economy, Climate, AI/ML
linkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founder
Last updated:
October 7, 2024

Key Achievements

  • Product Success: Delivered over 4,000 units of our smart gardens with less than a 0.1% return rate, demonstrating product-market fit and high customer satisfaction​. Growth and Expansion: Expanded operations from Italy to key markets in Western Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland) and initiated entry into the U.S. market with pre-sales of over 250 units​​. Partnerships and Distribution: Secured distribution agreements with large retailers in Western Europe and the U.S., setting the foundation for scalable growth​. Digital Engagement: Grew our online community to over 7,000 followers and onboarded 1,500+ registered users to our cultivation app, boosting customer engagement​. Awards and Recognition: Recognized with multiple international awards and grants that validate our innovation and impact in the urban farming sector​. Financial Stability: Maintained positive cash flow on hardware sales with strong industrial partnerships, enabling us to scale manufacturing and distribution efficiently​.

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