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Green Caravan

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July 26, 2024
Data is self reported
Green Caravan is realising a low-CO2 EV charging network to help fleet owners address the lack of green charging infrastructure with grid-independent and 100% fossil-free charging hubs.


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Founded in





Climate, Energy, Logistics, Mobility

Patent information

For this startup there is an actual piece of text here instead of this blurred text. It's available to active investors and investors on a paid plan.


Number of founders

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Number of employees

Founder backgrounds

Exit experience

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Relevant industry experience

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Previous startup experience

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EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation

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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft

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In the news

Investment details

Amount raising


Ownership founders

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Lead investor

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Current investors

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Intended closing date

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Fundraising status

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Already committed

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Revenue Metrics

Paying customers

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Monthly active users

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Green Caravan

Direct Message
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July 26, 2024
Data is self reported
Green Caravan is realising a low-CO2 EV charging network to help fleet owners address the lack of green charging infrastructure with grid-independent and 100% fossil-free charging hubs.


Green Caravan launched its charging card + app as an MSP in 2021, the first and (still) the only charging card that registers the CO2 emissions of EV charging sessions. Today, we have more than 3,500 customers, mainly B2C but also B2B. With the introduction of the CSRD reporting obligation, the step is now being taken to connect corporate fleets to the company's CO2 footprint calculation; a pilot is currently underway with a top 3 leasing company. The company has been active as CPO since mid-2022, initially for the (fast) chargers of two Limburg transport companies. At the end of 2023, the company's first (Proof-of-Concept) grid-independent and fossil-free charging plaza was realized in collaboration with a Truck Parking location partner. This collaboration has led to a joint ambition to realize 5 Truck Parking+Charging Hubs, at locations from the location partner's portfolio. This collaboration is realised in a Joint Venture in which advanced discussions are underway with project financiers to finance the CAPEX. The company and its partners have been awarded a subsidy of 1.3 million euros as co-financing for the realization of the first large grid-independent and fossil-free charging plaza. The company's project activities provide a steady income stream. Since the beginning of 2021, the company has had a Sales Agency agreement with a German CPO that installs battery-buffered fast chargers in inner-city locations. Within the framework of this Sales Agency, an agreement has been concluded between a Dutch gas station operator and the German CPO for about thirty locations. This agreement has made a significant contribution to the 150 million Euro funding round of the German CPO in 2023. The focus of the project activities is now shifting to the realization of the charging infrastructure at the Joint Venture locations.

Founded in







Climate, Energy, Logistics, Mobility


Affordable and clean energy (SDG #7), Climate action (SDG #13), "Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG #9)"

Patent information

IP review in progress


Number of founders


Number of employees

Founder backgrounds

Exit experience


Relevant industry experience


Previous startup experience


Female founder


EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation


Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft


In the news

Investment details

Amount raising


Ownership founders

50-59% owned by founders

Lead investor

NV Industriebank LIOF has provided a soft commit in the order of 350000-600000 and can take the lead in the investment process. A sharefunding round of 250000 is in progress on Eyevestor.com

Current investors

Equity 355000 CLA's 425000 Grants 768000

Intended closing date

Q3 2024

Fundraising status

Actively fundraising (brand name visible)

Already committed


Revenue Metrics

Monthly revenue

€5K - €10K

Monthly growth


Paying customers


Monthly active users

Green Caravan is realising a low-CO2 EV charging network to help fleet owners address the lack of green charging infrastructure with grid-independent and 100% fossil-free charging hubs.
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(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
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Growth rate month over month
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Monthly revenue context
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Number of paying customers
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Monthly active users
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Do you have a lead investor?
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How much have you raised in the past?
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How much of this round already committed?
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When are you aiming to close this round?
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How much time do the founders spend on the business?
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Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
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What percentage of company is owned by founders?
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Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
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Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft
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Year founded
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Patent status
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Premium Details

(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
€5K - €10K
Growth rate month over month
Monthly revenue context
Number of paying customers
Monthly active users


Do you have a lead investor?
NV Industriebank LIOF has provided a soft commit in the order of 350000-600000 and can take the lead in the investment process. A sharefunding round of 250000 is in progress on Eyevestor.com
How much have you raised in the past?
Equity 355000 CLA's 425000 Grants 768000
How much of this round already committed?
When are you aiming to close this round?
Q3 2024


How much time do the founders spend on the business?
Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
What percentage of company is owned by founders?
50-59% owned by founders
Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
Founder graduated from TU Delft, EUR or Erasmus MC
Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft


Year founded
Patent status
IP review in progress

Basic details

Amount raising
Climate, Energy, Logistics, Mobility
linkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founder
Last updated:
July 26, 2024

Key Achievements

  • Green Caravan launched its charging card + app as an MSP in 2021, the first and (still) the only charging card that registers the CO2 emissions of EV charging sessions. Today, we have more than 3,500 customers, mainly B2C but also B2B. With the introduction of the CSRD reporting obligation, the step is now being taken to connect corporate fleets to the company's CO2 footprint calculation; a pilot is currently underway with a top 3 leasing company. The company has been active as CPO since mid-2022, initially for the (fast) chargers of two Limburg transport companies. At the end of 2023, the company's first (Proof-of-Concept) grid-independent and fossil-free charging plaza was realized in collaboration with a Truck Parking location partner. This collaboration has led to a joint ambition to realize 5 Truck Parking+Charging Hubs, at locations from the location partner's portfolio. This collaboration is realised in a Joint Venture in which advanced discussions are underway with project financiers to finance the CAPEX. The company and its partners have been awarded a subsidy of 1.3 million euros as co-financing for the realization of the first large grid-independent and fossil-free charging plaza. The company's project activities provide a steady income stream. Since the beginning of 2021, the company has had a Sales Agency agreement with a German CPO that installs battery-buffered fast chargers in inner-city locations. Within the framework of this Sales Agency, an agreement has been concluded between a Dutch gas station operator and the German CPO for about thirty locations. This agreement has made a significant contribution to the 150 million Euro funding round of the German CPO in 2023. The focus of the project activities is now shifting to the realization of the charging infrastructure at the Joint Venture locations.

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